Donating Bobs

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We at the Bob Haircut Worship Page have collected Bob Haircut images from all over. A large portion of them have actually come to us as donations from other Bob enthusiasts. If you have Bob Haircut images you would like to share with us we would love to see them. The best way to do that is by sending us your images.

Now there are two ways to donate Bob Haircut images!

To donate Bob Haircut images by email, send them as email attachments to this email address:

To upload your images here, use the field below to tell your browser the location of the Bob Haircut image file on your local hard drive. Use the 'Browse' button to search for the file. If you have any information about the image, such as what name we may use, if any, you can type that into the notes area. Then use the "Send File" button to tell your browser to upload that file to us.

Path and Filename:
Image notes:

Some people have actually sent us actual photographs of Bob Haircuts via postal mail because they did not have the facilities to digitize them. If you wish to do this, send us an email at the above address and we'll send you our postal mail address. It's also easily looked up if you know how to use Internic whois. If you wish, we will of course return the precious photos. We're not a "scanning service", however, so if we don't plan to use some pictures we won't be bothering to scan those in.

Beware that there is an approval process. Many donated images never get to the web site. It's a very subjective process based on picture quality, hair style ("bobness"), and other things. An excellent hairstyle may not fit our idea of what a "Bob" is, or if it does the picture itself may have technical issues (graininess, moire pattern, dark hair on dark background, poor resolution, etc.). Please don't take offense if your images don't make it to the web site.

Also, please accept our apologies for not having a hypertext link for the email address above. We have had huge amounts of junk email flooding several of our accounts and we are trying to fight it by no longer providing any textual email addresses anywhere on our web sites. So far so good, but it means you very kind Bob donors must do a little manual entry.

We also accept money! We operate the Bob Haircut Worship Page at a total loss. We sell no product, we do not support or allow commercial advertising. So if you would like to donate money to support the Bob Haircut Worship Page we accept checks and have a PayPal account. Email us and arrangements can easily be made. Sorry, but Bob Haircut Worship is not recognized by the current powers that be as an official religion. Donations are not tax deductible.


The Bob Haircut Worship Page